12 Bit USB Digitizer
As an alternative to expensive data acquisition systems we now offering an affordable AD/DA converter that may substitute more sophisticated machine in many applications.  It features four analog inputs, two 12-bit analog outputs, and four digital I/O connections. It is powered by the +5 volt USB supply from your computer.  No external power is required.  Enclosed TracerDAQ™* software allow easy installation of this digitizer on any Windows 10/8/7XP computer.  You can also design your own software application using enclosed drivers library for Microsoft or Borland C/C++  programming.  USB cable, software and PDF manuals on CD are included.  

Part # ADA-1210


Analog input
Input voltage                                     ±10 Volts (V) max
Input impedance                                122 kOhm
Number of channels                           4, software selectable
Input ranges                                      ±20 V, ±10 V, ±5 V, ±4 V, ±2.5 V,
(Software selectable)                          ±2.0 V, ±1.25 V, ±1.0 V

Sampling rate                                     250 samples per second (S/s) typ
Continuous scan                                 50 kilo samples per second (kS/s)
Resolution                                          12 bits, no missing codes

Analog output
Resolution                                          12-bits, 1 in 4096
Output range                                       0 - 4.096 V, 1 mV per LSB.
Number of channels                             2
Sampling rate                                      250 S/s single channel typical,
(PC dependent)
Single channel, continuous scan            10 kS/s
Dual channel, continuous scan,               5 kS/s

Digital I/O specifications
Digital type                                          CMOS
Number of I/O                                     4
Input high voltage                                 2.0 V min, 5.5 V max
Input low voltage                                  0.8 V max, 0.5 V min

This software product of Measurement Computing Corporation designed to work with ADA-1210 digitizer.  The application allows data to be acquired, analyzed, displayed and exported for further processing by standard software (Excel, Sigma Plot, Origin etc.).  In addition to Strip Chart three additional applications are included; an Oscilloscope, a Function Generator and a Rate Generator, all of which are accessed via a common, easy-to-use menu page.  Eight-channel strip chart application for logging and graphing data from analog or digital inputs features sampling at the speed of the board.  Basic version supplied free with ADA-1210 has  32K samples per channel data file size limit (sufficient for more than 20 minutes data recording at 25 samples/sec). TracerDAQ™ PRO  (Part # TDP-1) has added features and permit recording of up to one million samples per channel.

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1210.html  10-11-2019